To the surprise of absolutely no one, the Lakers close out the Rockets in 7 games to advance to the Western Conference Finals where the Denver Nuggets await. To the surprise of probably a lot of people, the Magic took down Boston in game 7 at the Garden to advance in the East where the Cleveland LeBron's await. The Lakers are so much better than the Rockets, they should be ashamed they let the series go 7 games, especially with T-Mac and Yao out with injuries and the refs giving the Lakers almost every call. But they were the better team, so was Orlando. Although you gotta give Boston credit, they played their asses off this postseason. Without Garnett they could have just folded but they gave it ALL they had, but in the end they just didn't have enough left in the tank. A conference finals preview to come!
Tonight I watched a basketball team play 5 on 2 in the playoffs of a rec league. The team with 5 agreed to play and to not accept the forfeit. I guess they figured; why not? By the middle of the first half the team with 5 was so embarrassed to be down two points that they pretty much had already lost. In the end the team with 2 people (TWO FRICKEN PEOPLE!!!) won the game by about 20. (TWO FRICKEN PEOPLE!!! ON INBOUND PLAYS YOU ONLY HAVE TO GUARD ONE PERSON!!! 5 COVERING ONE!!! IDIOTS! MORONS! SCHMUCKS!!! YOU'RE THE WORST!!!) Anyway, it was quite sad, but its their fault. When a team with 2 challenges you, you do two things: A. You don't let 2 on 5 beat you & B. You take the forfeit!!! Playing 5 on 2 is like arm wrestling a girl!!! You have nothing to gain and EVERYTHING to lose!
In this same rec league, the Titans had an EEEEENORMOUS clutch (I can't emphasize clutch enough) victory to advance to play the Sharks (the team that won with 2.) Congratulations to all of us. Gentlemen we are no longer the Clowns, now we can truly be called TITANS.
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